@%#$ing LAVA!
First, I am pretty sure the gold items you're picking up is blasting powder, but they look kinda like golden turds. :D Anyways....
Overall, this game is pretty okay. The music is catchy and it fits the theme of the game quite well, and the boss fights were okay. Controls were right on target with the exception of not putting a fire/jump button on the right half of the keyboard. What I mean is this: If you're using "Wasd", your right hand has to be at the left half of the keyboard as well causing minor discomfort for me. I mean arrows+ xc work just fine but you should try and include another place for them. Problably most people won't agree with me on this one because it is so minor and doesn't take away from the game at all, but w/e.
Another problem that I see in this game is the power-ups, the green ones in particular. They seem to make your gun twice as strong as it was and that seems a lil bit overpowered when it comes to the bosses. Granted, I have yet to play hard mode and this could be resolved in there, but it just seems like a disappointment when I can kill the worm/snake thing on his third dive out, with no challenge.
The biggest problem I have in this game is the frustration factor when it comes to those spike/lava parts. The thing is, there is no "fade time" and what I mean by that is that there is not a point where your invulnerable for a short amount of time to get yourself straightened out. Its like once you go into the lava you're pretty much screwed. Dead. Room restart.
The "jump on top of enemies" attack didn't work as I expected it to. Most of the time it hurt me more then helped me and the places that really required it were few and far between. Maybe this would be more helpful if there was a "fade time", but I really can't say. But then again, you have a GUN, why waste your time stomping enemies when you can shoot them?
I really enjoyed the variety of enemies, although the melee ones seemed too easy unless you're on different heights or something like that. The enemy that really annoyed me was the robot guy who used spread shots. I always seemed to take at least one hit from him. Also, sometimes I would walk into a room and some of them or sorta stuck inside the wall partially and they don't fight back.
Well anyways I enjoyed this game, and I'll come back in a bit for hardmode to try n beat that. 4'd